About Us

Hear from Adam Carle, the Head Instructor at St Ives SJJA, about the gym and what to expect when training Jiu-Jitsu. Also hear about our exciting kids program and why Jiu-Jitsu is as important as swimming lessons.

Why Train Jiu-Jitsu

  • Nothing builds confidence faster than training Jiu-Jitsu. You will learn how to handle larger opponents, protect yourself and see what your body and mind is capable of. You will learn to persevere in adversity. Confidence is a trait that is built and developed overtime in your journey.

  • Whether you are a kid or an adult, training Jiu-Jitsu will foster strong discipline. You will develop a healthy routine of training, listening and self-development along your journey.

  • Jiu-Jitsu is a great way to achieve your fitness goals. It will force you to push yourself and breakway from habits that may be impeding upon your health. Jiu-Jitsu promotes a health lifestyle and you feel that when you start training.

  • You can’t train Jiu-Jitsu by yourself. You need a partner. So when you start Jiu-Jitsu you also become apart of a new community. Our gym is home to one of the nicest Jiu-Jitsu communities there is. You will definitely make new friends here.

Our Memberships

Rollers 2x Per Week

For Kids 4 - 13

Designed for kids who are starting Jiu-Jitsu for the first time. Learn the fundamentals and necessary skills and traits to go far in Jiu-Jitsu.

Champions 4x Per Week

For Kids 4 - 13

Designed for kids who have been training for more than 6 months and want to challenge themselves in a more competitive environment.

Unlimited 6x Per Week

For Kids 4 - 13

Designed for kids who want to train everyday. Only a limited amount of spots for students. Please contact the front desk for this option.

Challengers 5x Per Week

For Teens & Adults

Designed for Adults who are starting Jiu-Jitsu. Learn all the fundamentals and necessary skills and traits to go far in Jiu-Jitsu.

Platinum 10 x Per Week

For Teens & Adults

Designed for Adults who have been training for more than 1 year and want to explore and develop their Jiu-Jitsu in a more advanced setting.

Become a Coach Course

Designed for students who want to begin coaching Jiu-Jitsu. This is a 6 week course where you will learn how to run a class, teach techniques and find your coaching style.

Start a Free Trial

The hardest part is starting. Once you get going you won’t believe how fun the journey is.

Fill out our trial form below and we will be in contact.